Protecting Land in Challenging Times
While we weren’t able to physically be together during most of 2020, we were together in spirit, ensuring the mission we all support stays a priority in this state. This impact report reflects the incredible efforts of over 400 generous TLC members, foundations, and community partners, as well as our committed Board of Directors, dedicated landowners, and our small but mighty staff to protect our land, water, and wildlife. Together we have been able to learn, adapt, and respond during what may be our country’s most challenging time in recent history. We are excited to highlight the collaborative efforts of our community of conservationists in 2020 and to share more about how we can achieve the important and necessary work of protecting the nature of Texas together.
2020 Conservation Highlights
In 2020, we added 2,878 more acres to TLC’s protected properties. These conservation successes could not have happened without your continued support. TLC has now permanently protected a total of 114,489 acres across the state.
Silencio Ranch, 786 acres
Donated Conservation Easement
These uplands are actively managed as an oak-savanna which supports diverse grasses.
Baradhi Ranch, 523 acres
Donated Conservation Easement
The first conservation easement in Menard county! Great habitat for Black-capped vireos.
Danner Ranch, 435 acres
Endangered Species Bank
Golden-cheeked Warbler habitat bank adjoining the iconic Lost Maples State Natural Area.
Ivy Payne Preserve Restoration Project
In 1987, Ivy Payne Preserve in Elkhart, Texas, was TLC’s sixth protected property. This 465 acre preserve was donated to TLC and is a perfect place for visitors to experience the beauty of East Texas nature. Fast forward 30 years. While the natural landscape of Ivy Payne Preserve still thrived, some of the infrastructure that was on the property when it was gifted to TLC had fallen into disrepair. We knew we wouldn’t be able to pay for the repairs alone and the preserve would continue to be underutilized due to safety concerns until we raised the funds.
Enter ONEOK—a new partner in conservation for both TLC and this incredible property. Ivy Payne Preserve, like many places across the state, has a pipeline right of way (ROW) running through it. ONEOK approached TLC with a plan to do repairs on the ROW, but then they quickly realized that there were other crucial repairs needed on the preserve. While many extra projects skidded to a halt in 2020 due to COVID-19, ONEOK remained committed to the plans for Ivy Payne Preserve, and we are so grateful they continued to pursue these crucial repairs and the much needed work on the land. In addition to the ROW work, ONEOK donated funds for the additional repairs and trail work needed at the preserve. Click here to see all the completed repairs.
Oak Cliff Nature Preserve
Despite COVID-19, Oak Cliff Nature Preserve (OCNP), like many nature preserves and parks across the country, saw a record number of visitors in 2020. Thanks to our amazing partners, we were able to keep the trails open and accessible throughout the year, and we even got to collaborate on a fun new project!
The Work Continues
After a great start to the year with our TLC monthly volunteer workdays, we made the decision to suspend all events hosted by TLC. That didn’t stop our partners at DORBA, who continue to support OCNP by leading small-group workdays at the preserve. In addition, young men and women from Scouting USA Troop 5 had a trail clean-up day at OCNP in August. We are grateful for their support and service!
Trail Ambassadors
Introducing OCNP Trail Ambassadors and Adopt-A-Trail at OCNP! This year we had some amazing volunteers adopt a section of the preserve and help us keep the trails safe and beautiful for everyone. Shout out to our 2020 ambassadors, including Abby and her sons Conner and Jake!
Do you want to share your experiences at OCNP, help build community around the trails, and encourage others to take care of the wild places in their backyard? Sign up to be a Trail Ambassador!
A Story through Dance
To celebrate our North Texas Giving Day 2020 efforts, TLC partnered with an incredible group of artists, sharing a true testimony to nature and our need for it now more than ever. You can watch the full video here to experience the result of this very special collaboration. Thank you to Lori Sundeen Soderbergh (choregorapher/director), Claudia Orcasitas and Adam Rech (dancers), and Dustin Grant of Pink Mouse Blue Mouse Productions (filmmaker).
Connecting to Nature
On January 1, 2020, we kicked off the year with two 1st day hikes and a Lotería event. We partnered with Keep Waco Beautiful for a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service cleaning up the Brazos River and hosted multiple workdays at Oak Cliff Nature Preserve and Marysee Prairie. And then March hit and all in-person events came to a halt. But TLC staff was determined to keep our community connected not only to nature but to each other. So Online Texas Nature Trivia was born, an interactive and fun way to stay in touch while also learning about Texas nature. Thank you to all of our partners for writing questions on topics from bones to birds to pop culture, to our sponsors who made the virtual platform possible, and to the almost 300 participants (from across the country) who joined the friendly competition, donated, and shared numerous entertaining reaction gifs throughout each game!

2020 Financials
REVENUES | 2020 | 2019 |
Stewardship & Legal Defense Fund | 400,830 | 191,695 |
Contributions | 273,083 | 277,415 |
Grants | 255,200 | 142,600 |
Dividends & Interest | 139,607 | 263,244 |
Royalties | 15,442 | 17,470 |
Gain (loss) securities | - | - |
Other | 35,878 | 36,697 |
TOTAL REVENUE | $1,120,040 | $929,121 |
EXPENSES | 2020 | 2019 |
Conservation Programs | 476,004 | 408,591 |
Management | 123,892 | 106,346 |
Fundraising | 52,165 | 44,777 |
TOTAL EXPENSES | $652,061 | $559,714 |
ASSETS | 2020 | 2019 |
Cash and Equivalent | 267,890 | 136,750 |
Investment | ||
    Stewardship Fund | 4,958,557 | 4,297,088 |
    Operating Fund | 2,897,202 | 2,633,092 |
    Montgomery Trust | 2,170,315 | 2,170,315 |
Other Current Assets | 271,831 | 57,725 |
Properties | 3,645,358 | 3,917,383 |
NET ASSETS | $14,211,153 | $13,212,353 |